
30 iulie 2009

The Photography of Clee Villasor

By Clee

Selected Works, 2007-2008

Modern Alchemy

A short documentary featuring artists David Dowling, Dennis Svoronos and Brady Scott as they design and construct their steam boiler, Ignatius.

Directed by: Patrick Johnson -

Featuring: David Dowling -
Dennis Svoronos -
Brady Scott -

Music by: John Murphree -

Camera by: Patrick Johnson, Ben Hartman -

29 iulie 2009

WDL: When two legends met.. Who is impressing who?


This photograph shows Elvis Presley meeting with President Richard M. Nixon at the White House on December 21, 1970. That morning, Presley personally delivered a hand-written note to the security guard at the northwest gate of the White House, saying that he wanted to meet Nixon to present him with the gift of a World War II-era pistol and ask for credentials as an agent in the national war on drugs. Convinced that Presley was sincere and believing that he could be an asset in the fight against drug use by young people, Nixon and his staff arranged for a meeting that afternoon.

Date Created

December 21, 1970

Publication Information

White House Photo Office (1969-1974), Washington, D.C.

Source: WDL