Articolul suna cam asa:
French authorities smashed an organised criminal ring that specialised in making forged Bulgarian, Romanian, Portuguese and former Yugoslavia passports and ID cards. The group, which is believed to have been run by Romanian and Moldovan nationals, was based near Paris, Bulgarian news agency BTA said on November 28 2009.
French authorities believe that many Eastern Europeans living in and around Paris exploited the country’s welfare system with the help of the fake passports and ID papers.
Eight members of the ring were facing criminal charges. They appeared in court on November 28 in Créteil, south-east of Paris. They are accused of forgery and of using false documents, and assisting foreigners to enter the country illegally, Dnevnik daily said.
Authorities discovered a laboratory in a flat in Vitry Sur Sen near Paris which was equipped to make documents and ID cards.
The reason for believing that the group was led by Romanians and Moldovans is the numerous fake Romanian and Moldovan university diplomas, technical school diplomas, insurance policies and receipts that were found at the scene. The group is likely to be linked with similar organisations from Central Europe, Dnevnik said.
Deci.. pe langa ambiguitatea articolului, se presupune ca falsificatorii sunt condusi de romani si moldoveni pentru ca majoritatea documentelor falsificate sunt ale romanillor. Deci.. nu avem nationalitatea presupusilor inculpati, insa stim ca e posibil ca in spatele operatiunilor sa fie creiere romanesti.. Si mai stim ca exista posibilitatea ca aceasta microretea sa coopereze cu o organizatie similara din Europa Centrala. Sa retinem si ideea ca vigilenta autoritatilor franceze este fantastic de redusa iar jocul de imagine este unul mizerabil.
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