
27 februarie 2009


By Flo Sturm
This project was an experiment in order to break the linearity of time in an uncommon way. The loopable video consist exclusively of single photographs. One full rotation is made of 360 single photographs. Eight different rotations were shot at different times, weather conditions at day and in the night.

Movie: Martin Eller/Bernhard Schorner/Flo Sturm
Music: Matin Eller/Bernhard Schorner

Jones - If He Should Ever Leave You

by La Blogotheque

Directed by Vincent Moon -
Sound by Teresa Eggers

Obama, joint session of Congress


26 februarie 2009


Written & Directed by J. Miguel Caro
Director of Photography: Luiz Villar

Katie Couric's Notebook!

Evaluare trimestriala: Boc

Performantele primului ministru exceleaza in domeniul protectiei rudelor de a saptea spita pe o curba convexa extrapolata cercului de la Cotroceni.
Paradoxal, presedintele Basescu nu mai vrea sa dea nimanui exemple de conduita, ca atunci cand si-a obligat fratele sa plateasca impozitele la stat pentru firma de inghetata.

In acest context, realizarile premierului Boc sunt:

1. Upgradarea site-ului guvernului la culoarea portocaliu, instalarea feedu-urilor aferente si, fireste, motivarea bugetarilor de la PR sa isi merite salariul prin postarea a zeci de comunicate zilnic (a se retine unde se duc banii de cafea). Si pentru ca imaginea la propriu este extrem de importanta, il putem admira pe primul ministru din toate pozitiile vizualizand galeria foto si video.

Nu stiu daca era neaparat necesar ca o poza de campanie cu figura premierului sa troneze pe pagina principala a institutiei, insa, ca idee, ar fi putut sa fie pusa o imagine cu Boc la vorbitorul guvernamental. Asta, bineinteles, daca fotograful era destul de inspirat sa faca o poza in amorsa.

Ma gandesc totusi ca, in subsidiar, ar putea coexista si ministrii care formeaza, in fond, aparatul guvernamental. Sau nu?

2. Introducerea testului de loialitate bazat pe vechimea in post. Respectiv, cu cat un bugetar are mai multa experienta in slujba guvernului, cu atat pleaca mai repede. Nu cred ca Boc a trimis vreodata agenti cu spagi prin guvern asa cum se spune ca facea Basescu cat era primar.

3. Remanierea fortata de doua ori in doua luni bazata pe demisiile ministrilor pesedisti de la Interne.

4. Promovarea functionarilor din Primaria Cluj la rangul de functionari guvernamentali.

5. Prima demonstrare a transparentei cheltuielilor bugetare, prin recunoastrea publica a faptului ca, simultan, nepotismul de facto si de jure se practica cu succes in aparatul guvernamental. In speta, Boc a admis cu nonsalanta ca o ruda de gradul V in linie colaterala a devenit consilier la cabinetul unui secretar de stat. Bineinteles, nepoata a lucrat tot in Primaria Cluj, iar premierul nu vede nicio problema in evolutia ei profesionala. Cu siguranta nu nici va fi cat timp unchiul ramane in functie.

6. Avansarea soferului de partid pe un post de consilier personal. Boc explica si motivul: "Domnul Buzea (soferul - n.a.) e licentiat in ingineria produselor alimentare". Cu siguranta nu era singurul sofer cu facultate din Romania, mai ales ca presedintele ne indemna, nu demult, sa ne reorientam in piata fortei de munca.
Ulterior declaratiilor premierului, Biroul de presa al Guvernului emite un comunicat in care precizeaza ca noul consilier are ca atributii de serviciu "pregatirea, din punct de vedere administrativ, a evenimentelor la care participa primul-ministru, organizarea, din punct de vedere administrativ, a deplasarilor si a programului in teritoriu al premierului, precum si componenta administrativa si logistica a pregatirii, pentru primul-ministru, a sedintelor de Guvern". Sa ne asteptam oare la o redefinire a functiilor in Executiv?

Presedintele vrea autocenzurarea presei

Traian Basescu explica ratiunile pentru care sedintele publice ale CSM devin "private" cand apare presa:

Nu scapam de monitorizarea Comisiei Europene, pentru ca ea nu vizeaza numai codurile, mai sunt si alte lucruri de facut. Un raport bun creeaza premisele pentru ca, pana la inceputul lui 2010, sa scapam de monitorizare. Insa daca incidente in care doi oameni se bat sunt indelung mediatizate ca lupte intre clanuri, vom avea o problema.
Discutia de la CSM a fost deschisa, dar am vrut sa va diminuam placerea de a discuta despre sistem. Vorbiti (jurnalistii - n.a.) despre astfel de sisteme fara a le cunoaste. Asadar, astfel de discutii in prezenta presei ar fi fost un risc pentru un nou blam.

Aceste declaratii survin rapoartelor CE care se bazeaza in proportie de 100% pe relatarile din presa. Fireste, exista posibilitatea ca urmatorul raport pe Justitie sa includa si observatii legate de abuzurile prezidentiale succesive comise prin restrangerea nejustificata a drepturilor cetatenesti in cazul jurnalistilor.

25 februarie 2009

AIG si reactiunea

Lipsa unei strategii coerente de comunicare alimenteaza excesiv predilectia jurnalistilor din reputate institutii de presa sa publice scenarii dintre cele mai variate.

In acest moment, unul din deliciile presei internationale il face AIG. Cazul asiguratorului, extrem de controversat, este speculat cu gratie de marile agentii de presa, care ofera cititorilor foarte multe informatii pe surse. Ce se intampla insa cand informatiile citate de mai multe agentii se contrazic? In cazul Reuters exista posibilitatea ca actiunile grupului sa creasca pe fondul scaderii burselor, asa cum s-a intamplat ieri. Istoria ultimelor saptamani ne arata insa ca exista si situatii in care confuzia perpetua determina de prea multe ori reactii publice ale companiei. Efectul? Fireste, agitarea presei si reluarea procesului de interogare.

Perle by presa online

Modelul de import al redactiilor pentru editiile online prinde firav radacini si in presa autohtona. In goana dupa trafic, sub semnul redefinirii, se pot naste si astfel de texte jurnalistice:

China nu vrea sa repete scandalul laptelui contaminat

Bancile din vestul Europei ar putea pierde intre 12,4 şi 37,2 miliarde de dolari in Romania, conform unei analize a Danske Bank. In cel mai drastic scenariu prevazut de analistii Danske, doar bancile austriece ar urma sa inregistreze pierderi de 14 miliarde dolari pe portofoliul de credite detinut in Romania.

Liderul conservator britanic David Cameron şi-a pierdut fiul grav handicapat, Ivan, decedat în această dimineaţă la vârsta de şase ani, relatează agenţiile de presă internaţionale, citate de Agerpres.

Chiliman vrea sa-si planteze un spital la Chitila

Parintii ii indoaie acul ministrului Nicolaescu
Vaccinarea fetiţelor de clasa a IV-a împotriva cancerului e în pragul eşecului din cauza modului deficitar în care s-a făcut informarea părinţilor de către Ministerul Sănătăţii.
Frica parintilor de a nu le face rau fetitelor a fost generata de lipsa informarii oficiale.


Carla Bruni şi Nicolas Sarkozy au câte un copil, respectiv trei , din căsătorii anterioare.

24 februarie 2009

Worst EU Lobbying Awards 2008

by Corporate Europe Observatory, Friends of the Earth Europe, LobbyControl and Spinwatch

Worst EU Lobbying candidates

Brussels-based lobbying and PR agencies Gplus and Aspect Consulting
Nominated for supporting the spread of war propaganda in the recent conflict between Russia and Georgia.

Gplus and Aspect Consulting, acting for Russia and Georgia respectively, attempted to distort the public’s perception of the recent conflict between Russia and Georgia by putting out misleading and deceptive information about the situation on the ground.

European Business and Parliament Scheme (EBPS)
Nominated for abusing their location and lobbying from inside Parliament offices.

The European Business and Parliament Scheme continues to take advantage of prime office space inside the European Parliament, despite requests to leave, allowing it to continue to “inform economic policy and legislation” on behalf of its corporate members.

European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines (EAASM)
Nominated for hiding the involvement of big pharma corporations in their campaigns.

Vote for the European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines who failed to reveal their true motives and the industry funding behind their “public interest” campaign to remove counterfeit and sub-standard medicines from the supply chain.

The Agrofuels Lobby
Nominated for their misleading campaigns to promote agrofuels as green.

Vote for the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC), Brazilian sugar barons (UNICA) and energy company Abengoa Bioenergy who have all used misleading information in their European lobby campaigns to try and persuade the European Parliament, Commissioners and member states that agrofuels are sustainable.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Nominated for its deceptive lobbying campaign to avoid CO2 reduction obligations in the aviation sector.

IATA actively lobbied in Europe to persuade MEPs and Commissioners that aviation was not a significant source of global warming greenhouse gas emissions, and that it should not therefore be included in the Emissions Trading Scheme - while simultaneously threatening that the entire industry in Europe would face disastrous consequences if aviation was made to pay.

Worst Conflict of Interest candidates

Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Member of the European Parliament
Nominated for his dual role as an MEP and lawyer for EU competition and regulatory issues, and for using his position as an MEP to allow lawyers to lobby in the dark.

DG Trade Director Fritz-Harald Wenig
Nominated for revealing inside information on trade tariffs to “lobbyists” who were in fact journalists working under cover.

Piia-Noora Kauppi, Member of the European Parliament
Nominated for abusing her role as an MEP by promoting the interests of her future employer, a big banking lobby group.

Caroline Jackson, Member of the European Parliament
Nominated for her twin roles as an elected representative dealing with environmental issues and as an appointed environmental advisor to a private waste management company, Shanks.

Former Commission officials Michel Petite, Robert Klotz and Lars Kjølbye
Nominated for going through the revolving door from the European Commission to law firms lobbying for industry clients.


By Steven D. Levitt and Steven J. Dubner

What dynamite brings?

Ticker tape story

High-speed means of reporting information on securities transactions. It provides the stock symbol, number of shares, and price of each transaction; these are transmitted to tickers at brokerage houses.
The first stock ticker, which printed transactions on a long ribbon of paper, was developed at the New York Stock Exchange in 1867 (prior to this, information had been carried by mail or messenger).
Thomas A. Edison improved the machine in 1869, and it remained relatively unchanged until a faster ticker, printing 500 characters per minute, was developed in 1930. In 1964 a variable-speed ticker—printing up to 900 characters per minute and capable of handling 10 million shares per day without a tape delay—was put into operation.
The ticker was first linked to a computer system in 1965, and this made it possible for a transaction to appear on the ticker tape within seconds after the trade was executed on the floor of the exchange. Most major securities markets around the world allow time-delayed online access to their tickers.
The first ticker-tape parade took place in New York City in 1886; it occurred spontaneously as onlookers showered ticker tape onto a parade celebrating the dedication of the Statue of Liberty.
By Britannica

Ticker parades then and now

October 29, 1886
Statue of Liberty dedication (impromptu)

February 5, 2008
Giants’ surprise victory over the Patriots in Super Bowl XLII

Multilateral brevetat

22 februarie 2009

Social Engineering si etica hackingului

By Tudor Damian, MCSA IT Solutions Specialist

Interview: Philippe Petit, Man on Wire


Photographer Mike Disfarmer occupies an increasingly important place in the history of American photography. Disfarmer captured the faces of the American heartland at a defining period in history. He documented the families of the farmland as they struggled through World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. He also captured the post-war boom and the optimism of the 1950s. In doing this he created a vivid visual record of life in and around Heber Springs, Arkansas.
By Disfarmer Website

Man on Wire

On August 7th 1974, a young Frenchman named Philippe Petit stepped out on a wire illegally rigged between New York's twin towers, then the world's tallest buildings. After nearly an hour dancing on the wire, he was arrested, taken for psychological evaluation, and brought to jail before he was finally released.
James Marsh's documentary brings Petit's extraordinary adventure to life through the testimony of Philippe himself, and some of the co-conspirators who helped him create the unique and magnificent spectacle that became known as the artistic crime of the century.
By Man on Wire Website

Graphical analysis of a square

By Hans Zandvliet

Fourteen Days - A visual story

By Francesco Gallarotti
In the Spring of 2008, a few months before we got married, my wife Yasuko and I went to Japan to visit her parents and relatives. We stayed in Nagoya and from there, we took a few short trips to visit some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. This photo book tells the story of that wonderful vacation.[...] This book is dedicated to my father.

Issue 3

FEATURING:Tina KazakhishviliClaire DornLISEMAIGino CarrierPlanète UrgencePeter FlahertyJaime MartinezFBZAnne Caroline PauteDominique BordenavePhilippe Micheau RuizBaptiste AlmodovarFrédéric ChabotHolden RichardsNicolas Taddun

Cornered Portrait Series

By Mark Mainz/Double M Images

Photography Portfolio

Headshots Portraits Events Photojournalism Editorial
by John W. MacDonald

Prestige Magazine

24 Febuary 2009
