* This manuscript volume, dating from around 1525, details Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world in 1519-22. The work is attributed to Antonio Pigafetta, a Venetian scholar who was born in Vincenza, Italy, around 1490 and who accompanied Magellan on the voyage. Pigafetta kept a detailed journal, the original of which is lost. However, an account of the voyage, written by Pigafetta between 1522 and 1525, survives in four manuscript versions: one in Italian and three in French. This version, in French, is from the library of Yale University, and is the most complete and handsomely produced of the four surviving manuscripts. It includes 23 beautifully drawn and illuminated maps. Pigafetta’s work is important not only as a source of information about the voyage itself, but also includes an early Western description of the people and languages of the Philippines. Of the approximately 240 men who set out with Magellan, Pigafetta was one of only 18 who returned to Spain. Magellan himself was killed, on April 27, 1521, in a battle on Mactan Island, the Philippines, which Pigafetta witnessed and recounts in this work.
* Pigafetta, Antonio (1480/91? - 1534?)
Date Created
* 1522-1525
Place of Publication
* France
* French
* 1500 AD - 1699 AD
Type of Item
* Manuscripts
Physical Description
* Parchment (fine), folios i (paper) + ii (parchment) + i (original parchmentflyleaf) + 98 (foliated 2-99) + ii (parchment) + i (paper); hand-colored; 276 x 184 (195 x 122) millimeters (28 centimeters)
* Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
* Yale University Library
2 mai 2009
WDL: Jurnalul lui Magellan despre calatoria in jurul lumii
WDL: Guide to the Great Siberian Railway
* The 8,000-kilometer Trans-Siberian Railway linking Ekaterinburg in the Ural Mountains with the Pacific port of Vladivostok is the world’s longest railroad. Construction began in 1891 and was completed in 1916. By 1900, much of the line was finished and open for traffic. In that year, the Russian Ministry of Ways of Communication issued, in identical English and Russian editions, this illustrated guide to the railway. It includes a history of Siberia, an account of the construction, and a detailed listing of the towns and cities along the route.
* Marshall, John
* Dimitriev-Mamonov, A.I. (Aleksandr Ippolitovich)
* Zdziarski, Anton Feliksovich
Responsible party
* Ministry of Ways of Communication
* Kukol-Yasnopolsky, L.
Date Created
* 1900
Place of Publication
* Association of Art Press, Saint Petersburg
* 1850 AD - 1899 AD
* 1900 AD - 1949 AD
Physical Description
* 126 pages, 23 centimeters
* Great Siberian Railway Guidebooks
* National Library of Russia
Teoriile conspiratiei on screen, versiunile din 2009
Totul e relativ cu marja fantastica de variatie, cu mentiunea ca razboiul religios se duce acum pe alte platfome. Ramane insa aceeasi perceptie generala: e conspiratie, s-a aflat, deci.. nu e bine. Exista insa suficiente persoane atrase de ideea propagarii la nivel mondial a anumitor interese incat sunt dispuse sa realizeze si filme.
Doua din filmele lansate in acest an sunt Echelon Conspiracy si The International. La baza celor doua productii sta comparatia care naste intrebari. Asa se intampla in toate filmele, insa echipele de creatie se intrec in materie de scenarii si prezentari. Si tot procesul imbraca forme dintre cele mai diverse si, cu riscul de a exagera, chiar poate exista un strop de relevanta in prezentari. Si totusi.. la ce ajuta?
Cum se rateaza o promovare gratuita a presei romanesti
Zilele trecute publicam un post în care semnalam numarul mic de ziare romanesti care apar zilnic pe harta virtuala a muzeului media, Newseum. Un coleg mai impulsiv - dar mai optimist decat mine - le-a si scris celor de la muzeul din Washington DC.Sa ne amintim uneori si ca exista tot soiul de stiri, printre care si urmatoarea:E drept, amandoi am presupus ca e nevoie de o actualizare care sa pornească dinspre ziare, nu monitorizeaza Newseum-ul presa din întreaga lume. Dar oportunitatea de a figura intr-un context virtual de ultima ora nu e de tocmai de neglijat. Iata raspunsul primit, care dovedeste al cui e dezinteresul (sau ”dezinteresul”?):
Thank you for your interest in the Newseum’s Today’s Front Pages display. All front pages that you see in our display are sent to us individually and voluntarily from each newspaper itself every day. We invite all daily, general interest newspapers to participate. At this time, Romania Libera IS a participant. However, because the newspapers send their own front pages, some days files get corrupted or someone forgets to send the file. Perhaps that’s what happened today.Check back soon!Best,
Emily Hedges
Assistant Editor/Exhibit Development
555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Peste 20% din copiii britanici intre 11 si 16 ani cred ca Auschwitz este o marca de bere, un festival religios sau un gen de paine, potrivit unui sondaj. Copiii britanici nu stiu ce a fost Holocaustul, in care au fost ucisi, in total, sase milioane de evrei.E drept ca adeseori istoria este relativa, insa de la bere la un lagar de exterminare e cale lunga.. So, do we need to go further with this?
Aproximativ opt procente din copiii intervievati credeau ca Auschwitz este o tara vecina cu Germania, doua procente au crezut ca este o bere, iar tot 2% credeau ca este un festival de natura religioasa.
Sase din zece copii nu stiau de planul nazistilor de a extermina evreii.
Doar o treime dintre ei au stiut ca Holocaustul a cauzat moartea a milioane de evrei, dar multi au gresit numarul total al victimelor.
Totusi, majoritatea au reusit sa-l identifice pe Adolf Hitler in fotografii. Cei 3% care nu l-au recunoscut, l-au incurcat cu Winston Churchill, Salvador Dali sau Albert Einstein.